Article table of contents: D
The Dhofar region can be identified with the historical area of Saʾkalhān/Saʾkalān, referred to by a variety of ancient sources from the 2nd-1st centuries BCE to the 9th century CE, including South Arabian inscriptions, classical and early Islamic sources. The main cultural features of the region, from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity, define a coherent cultural archaeological horizon.
Group of Sabaean tribes (s²ʿb), under the authority of the princes banū Hamdān, then dhu-Hamdān.
See Water management
See Baḥrayn (al-)
Diversion walls are linear earth and/or stone structures that divert part of a watercourse into a canal to supply an irrigation system.
Dūmat al-Jandal [ancient Adummatu]
This oasis of northern Arabia (Jawf province, Saudi Arabia) played a major role in the Transarabian caravan trade between the Hedjaz, the Southern Levant and Mesopotamia during the pre-Islamic period. It was also the target of three campaigns led by Prophet Muḥammad and his companions against the local ruler Ukaydir in the Early Islamic Period.
This entry presents the Nabataean deity Dūsharā from a very general point of view with a focus on the Arabian Peninsula.