Ilīʿadhdh / Ilīʿazz Yaluṭ bin Yadaʿʾīl

King of Ḥaḍramawt, who ruled in the mid-1st cent. CE.

The reconstruction of his reign is founded on the identification of Ilīʿazz Yaluṭ son of Yadaʿʾīl (ʾlʿz Ylṭ bn Ydʿʾl), attested in an inscription from Shabwa (Hamilton 8), with Ilīʿadhdh Yaluṭ (ʾlʿḏ Ylṭ) mentioned in the epigraphic documentation of Sumhurām as the lord of two functionaries who undertook large-scale construction works in that colony of Ḥaḍramawt (KR 2 & KR 3) and with Eleazos, the king of the frankincense-bearing land, from the Peripl. M. Rubr. (§ 27).

According to those sources, the king controlled the ports of Qāniʾ (Kanê) and Sumhurām (Moscha Limên), as well as the island of Soqotra (Dioscuridês) and thus was involved in long-distance maritime trade.

The erection of a temple of the Qatabanian goddess Dhāt Ẓahrān in Shabwa under his rule points to the existence of close contacts between Ḥaḍramawt and Qatabān.

Serge Frantsouzoff

References and suggested readings


  • Peripl. M. Rubr.: Casson, L. 1989. The Periplus Maris Erythraei: Text with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


  • Avanzini, A. 2008. Notes for the History of Sumhuram and a New Inscription of Yashhur’il, in A. Avanzini (ed.) A Port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd c. BC - 5th c. AD). Khor Rori Report 2 (Arabia Antica, 5): 634–636 (Ili‘adh (Eleazos)). Roma: "L’Erma" di Bretschneider.
  • Frantsouzoff, S.A. 2014. История Хадрамаута с древнейших времен до конца британского владычества, т. I: История Хадрамаута в эпоху древности [History of Hadramawt from the Earliest Time up to the End of the British Rule, vol. I: History of Hadramawt in Antiquity]: 55, 159, 192, 207–208, 210, 211, 216. St. Petersburg: Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg.
  • Robin, Ch.J. 1996. Sheba. II: Dans les inscriptions d’Arabie du Sud, in J. Briend et E. Cothenet (eds.) Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible, t. XII : col. 1135–1136. Paris: Letouzey & Ané.

Alternate spellings: ʾlʿz Ylṭ, ʾlʿḏ Ylṭ,* Ilīʿadhdh Yaluṭ, Ilî’adhdh Yalut, Ili’adhdh Yalut, Iliadh Yalut, Ilīʿazz Yaluṭ, Ilî’azz Yalut, Ili’azz Yalut, Iliazz Yalut, Eleazos

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