Terrace cultivation
Agricultural terraces are man-made flat or slightly inclined surfaces on the slopes of landforms or in valley bottoms. They are supported downslope and sometimes also on the sides by earth banks and/or stone walls. The precise functions of agricultural terraces vary according to time, place and environment.
In Southwest Arabia (Fig. 1), mountain-side terracing — for rainfed farming and runoff harvesting — goes back at least as far as the 3rd millennium BCE (Wilkinson 1999: 187). In parallel, valley bottom terracing developed, leading, in the first half of the 1st millennium CE, to the building of several-hundred-metre-long structures, which could have been used to retain wadi floods and/or sediments in order to create rich soils for agriculture and/or grazing (Wilkinson & Edens 1999: 11). In the desert margins of Southwest Arabia, terracing characterised valley bottoms and mainly aimed at adapting the topography to irrigation systems fed by wadis, such as in Shabwa (Gentelle 1991: 44–46). In the oasis of Masāfī, located in the mountainous areas of Southeast Arabia, combined archaeological and geoarchaeological studies have revealed a succession of terraces from the mid-2nd millennium BCE to the present, and the different phases of land development (Purdue et al. 2019).
See also Water Management
Julien Charbonnier
References and suggested readings
Gentelle, P. 1991. Les irrigations antiques à Shabwa. Syria LXVIII: 5–54. DOI: 10.3406/syria.1991.7261.
Purdue, L., J. Charbonnier, E. Régagnon, C. Calastrenc, T. Sagory, C. Virmoux, M. Crépy, S. Costa & A. Benoist 2019. Geoarchaeology of Holocene oasis formation, hydro-agricultural management and climate change in Masafi, southeast Arabia (UAE). Quaternary Research 92: 109–132. DOI: 10.1017/qua.2018.142.
Wilkinson, T. 1999. Settlement, soil erosion and terraced agriculture in highland Yemen: a preliminary statement. PSAS 29: 183–191. www.jstor.org/stable/41223538
Wilkinson, T.J. & C. Edens 1999. Survey and Excavation in the Central Highlands of Yemen: Results of the Dhamār Survey Project, 1996 and 1998. AAE 10: 1–33. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0471.1999.tb00124.x.
Alternate spellings: Terrace wall, Terrace
Sections in this entry
References and suggested readingsCreation Date
Charbonnier, Julien, 2023. "Terrace cultivation". Thematic Dictionary of Ancient Arabia. Online edition 2023. Available online at https://ancientarabia.huma-num.fr/dictionary/definition/terrace-cultivation (accessed online on 08 December 2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.60667/tdaa-0120DOI
https://doi.org/10.60667/tdaa-0120Under license CC BY 4.0